Income Tax Return Preparation

I have been preparing income tax returns since 1992 for corporations, partnerships, sole-proprietors, and individuals. Every year CPAs are required to have about 30 to 40 hours of continuing education in the area of income taxation. I am very familiar with tax law and will make sure your returns are prepared properly.

Income Tax Planning

Like computer backups, income tax planning is one of those things people put off until it's too late. If you have a business and your taxable income is going to be substantially different in the next year, you are a good candidate for tax planning. If you are getting ready to sell or purchase a material asset, you are good candidate for tax planning. If you are thinking about using your business as a gifting vehicle, you are good candidate. There are plenty of scenarios that will qualify you as a good candidate for tax planning. If you think that you might benefit from some tax planning, please call soon (normally phone calls are not billed out).

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